Short on funds for 2021? NEAIR can help!

As you make plans for 2021, NEAIR is here to support you in your professional development regardless of your career stage. Be on the lookout for the following grant and scholarship opportunities coming your way. Visit the links below to learn more (pages will be updated as the submission window approaches and opens), and connect with a Grants Committee member if you have questions.
NEAIR Research Grant
(Call opening next week; deadline will be late February; notification by end of March)
The NEAIR Research Grant provides funds for members to conduct research that is also of interest to the membership at large. The maximum award is $1,000 and may be used only for direct research costs (e.g. survey incentives, software, etc.).
*** NEW: Skills Development Grants
(Rolling deadlines; notification within one month)
The new Skills Development Grants are being created for members to be able to attend workshops and training as they occur. With most offices not having any budget towards these types of expenses, NEAIR has set aside $1,000 to support the lifelong learning and development of all members. More details will be available soon.
AIR Forum Scholarship
(Deadline will be in March; notification in April)
The AIR Forum Scholarship was created in 2015 to support the lifelong learning and development of mid-career professionals by helping to defray the cost of attending the AIR Forum for a current NEAIR member. This year, the award will fund attendance at the virtual conference. In other years, the $1,000 award consists of matching grants from AIR and NEAIR in the amount of $500 each.
NEAIR Conference Grants
(Deadline will be in May; notification in June)
Conference grants provide funds to members to help defray the costs of attending the 48th NEAIR Annual Conference. The total of all awards is up to $2,000. This program is meant to assist members who would otherwise not be able to attend the conference. 
Ambassador Grants
(Deadline will be in May; notification in June)
Ambassador grants provide funds for NEAIR members to attend a conference other than the NEAIR conference. The total of all awards is up to $800. The primary emphasis of the Ambassador Grant is on participation at "non-mainstream" conferences, with the aim of broadening the horizons of both the attendee and the NEAIR membership at large. Non-institutional research conferences will be given preference. This year, the award may be split between multiple people attending virtual conferences.
The Grants Committee will be eagerly awaiting your applications!
Krisztina Filep, Chair, Grants Committee
University of Massachusetts Amherst