Grants for Conferences, Workshops and Research!

NEAIR is pleased to offer a number of grants to support you in your professional development. The following grants are now accepting applications:

Skill Development Grants provide funds for members to be able to attend workshops and training as they occur. These funds support the lifelong learning and development of all members. Deadline: last day of every month, while funds available.

The NEAIR Research Grant provides funds for members to conduct research that is also of interest to the membership at large. The award may be used only for direct research costs (e.g. survey incentives, software, etc.). Deadline: August 5.

The NEAIR Ambassador Grant provides funds for NEAIR members to attend a "non-mainstream" conferences, with the aim of broadening the horizons of both the attendee and the NEAIR membership at large. Non-institutional research conferences will be given preference. Deadline: July 5.