Summary of NEAIR Grant Opportunities

NEAIR offers numerous grant and scholarship opportunities to support your professional development regardless of what stage you are at in your career. Be on the lookout for these opportunities in the News Feed and email blasts.  

Questions?  Contact, Grants Committee Chair

AIR Forum Scholarship (Deadline in mid-March; notification in late March before AIR early registration deadline)

The AIR Forum Scholarship was created in 2015 to support the lifelong learning and development of mid-career professionals by helping to defray the cost of attending the AIR Forum for a current NEAIR member. The $1,500 award consists of matching grants from AIR ($500) and NEAIR ($1,000).

Memorial Conference Grants (Call opening during NEAIR conference registration; Deadline in October; notification before the early registration deadline)

Conference grants provide funds to members to help defray the costs of attending the NEAIR Annual Conference. The total of all awards is up to $3,000. This program is meant to assist members who would otherwise not be able to attend the conference. 

Membership Grants (Call opening in June with rolling monthly deadlines. Final call closes on or before October 31; notification within 1-2 months of application) 

Membership Grants were created to provide financial support as a mutual benefit to individuals who face difficulty renewing or paying for NEAIR membership due to lack of financial support from their institution, particularly those individuals actively supporting the NEAIR community through sharing their knowledge and expertise.  The grant will be awarded as a discounted membership rate subject to available funds.

Skills Development Grants (Call opening in late April with rolling monthly deadlines. Final call closes on or before December 1; notification within 1-2 months of application)

The Skills Development Grants were created for members to be able to attend workshops and training as they occur. With many offices still not having any budget towards these types of expenses, NEAIR has set aside some funds to support the lifelong learning and development of all members. Maximum award amount is $250.

NEAIR Research Grant (Call opening in late April; deadline in early August; notification by early September)

The NEAIR Research Grant provides funds for members to conduct research that is also of interest to the membership at large. The maximum award is $1,000 and may be used only for direct research costs (e.g. survey incentives, software, etc.). 

Ambassador Grants (Call opening in late April; deadline in early July; notification by late July/early August)

Ambassador grants provide funds for NEAIR members to attend a conference other than the NEAIR conference. The total of all awards is up to $800. The primary emphasis of the Ambassador Grant is on participation at "non-mainstream" conferences, with the aim of broadening the horizons of both the attendee and the NEAIR membership at large. Non-institutional research conferences will be given preference. The award may be split between multiple people.

"The NEAIR Ambassador grant funding enabled me to attend the full 2022 Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) conference. Though I likely would have attended regardless of the grant (I had three presentations at the conference), the funding enabled me to opt into the Council on Public Policy in Higher Education pre-conference and attend through the last day of the conference. Without the support from NEAIR, it is likely I would have had to cut my trip short and missed out on some amazing presentations and networking opportunities. With the support, I was able to take full advantage of the opportunities ASHE had to offer.

Compared to other grant applications, the NEAIR Ambassador grant was quite intuitive and did not take much time. I was able to complete my application in about half a day, whereas many other applications can take several weeks to draft.

I would simply encourage anyone with the slightest interest in applying for this grant to take the leap and do so. Though at times it can seem intimidating to put yourself out there, the NEAIR Ambassador grant offers an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with the grant process, and all in the comfort of a small community of encouraging Institutional Researchers.” —Thomas Zimmerman


"The timing of the conference grant award was especially helpful to me as I was at a transition point in my career and without access to institutional funds to cover my attendance. The application process was not burdensome at all and well worth the time I put into it! The conference grant allowed me to maintain my connection to the NEAIR community and the field which was invaluable. I greatly appreciate the opportunity it afforded me.” —Marlene Clapp