Ambassador Grant Funding Disbursement
Ambassador Grants awarded to members who are affiliated with an institution will be awarded through the member’s institution. Members who are not currently affiliated with an institution are eligible for NEAIR Ambassador Grants. In those cases, the Treasurer may disburse funds directly to the member after receiving the appropriate documentation. Ambassador Grants are matching grants, and will cover half of the expenses, up to the total grant amount.
Grant funds will be disbursed according to the schedule provided by each recipient, with later disbursement preferred in order to accommodate unforeseen changes in plans. Applications must be proactive (i.e., no reimbursement for activities that pre-date acceptance of the application).
Upon completion of the conference, the grant recipient must submit a report listing the actual expenditures incurred, and include receipts for expenses if appropriate. Any grant funds not spent by the recipient must be returned to NEAIR.
NEAIR is not responsible for over expenditures.