2019-2021 Strategic Plan

NEAIR is an individual membership driven organization, serving primarily the northeast region, promoting effectiveness in postsecondary education through excellence in the field of institutional research.  As such, NEAIR focuses on facilitating the professional development of its members while promoting best practices and ensuring integrity in institutional research. Central to the fulfillment of this mission are the following core values:

We value: (1) a rich and diverse community of members that reflect the various sectors of postsecondary education and is welcoming to individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and skills; (2) the open exchange of ideas through collegiality and networking; and (3) the ongoing professional development of members throughout the span of their careers.

NEAIR aspires to be a premier member services organization by providing the best possible programming, services, and networking opportunities that promote and strengthen the skills and knowledge of the institutional research and effectiveness profession in an ever-changing world.
Core Competencies
CC #1: Provide high quality, relevant, and timely professional development opportunities for members at all career levels to support their competence and advancement in the professional field.
CC #2: Provide opportunities for members to develop mutually beneficial and supportive relationships to cultivate a strong professional network where mentoring is valued and where communities of practice are formed to support learning and innovation in the field.
CC #3: Provide leadership opportunities to raise members’ and our profession’s profiles inside and outside of our institutions.
CC #4: Provide an inclusive and welcoming community for all of its members to support their lifelong learning and development.

North East Association for Institutional Research NEAIR Strategic Plan (2019 – 2021)
Goal #1:  Provide high quality, timely, and relevant professional development, at an affordable cost, to enhance the skills and competencies required of high-performing institutional research and effectiveness professionals.
1.1Objective: Understand members’ preferences and needs for professional development opportunities.
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
1.1AAd Hoc Research, Membership, Finance, Professional Development,
Grants, Conference Team
Conduct a Member Survey to ascertain preferences regarding the current standard conference experience as well as the value, offerings, and price sensitivity associated with attending the summer Professional Development Series (PDS), Pre-Conference Workshops (PCW), and attending the annual conference. Also explore the needs and preferences for the financial support of professional development opportunities (e.g., to attend conferences, to support taking coursework, etc.).Spring 19 – plan
Jun/Jul – Field
Aug – Analyze results
Sept – Rpt to SC
Oct – Rpt to membership
1.1BAd Hoc Research, Conference TeamUse the annual poster session with PDS, PCW, and conference results to solicit real-time feedback about members’ needs for professional development at the annual conference.Summer/Fall 2019
1.2Objective: Offer a broad range of professional development opportunities for institutional researchers at all stages of their careers.
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
1.2AAd Hoc Strategic Planning, Professional Development, Conference TeamConduct an annual environmental scan to highlight trending topics in higher education, analytics, and information technology to inform a needs analysis for professional development opportunities. Use those results to inform program development each year.Nov – Dec 2018; put on annual cycle
1.2BIncoming/Outgoing Conference Teams; Ad Hoc ResearchReview PDS, PCW, and conference evaluation results on an annual basis to inform the next cycle of offerings.Every Jan/Feb
1.2CConference TeamDevelop Invited Sessions for the Annual Conference to meet the needs of professionals at different stages of their career. Assess the usefulness of this to membership on the annual conference evaluation.
Spring 2019 – develop;
Fall 2019 – assess;
Winter 2020 – next steps for 2020 conference
1.2DConference TeamUse the conference proposal process to provide constructive feedback on conference papers and presentations.Annually
1.2EConference Team, Technology CommitteeLeverage the conference mobile application to develop a short assessment where conference session attendants can provide real-time feedback to presenters.Fall 2019
1.2FAd Hoc ResearchUse the Member Survey to understand what are the needs and preferences of members for supporting scholarly research activities, including publishing research.Summer 2019
Goal #2: Develop ongoing planning and assessment to support organizational learning, strategy development and decision-making so that the Association can proactively respond to changes in our professional field and in the higher education environment.
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
2.1Objective: Develop a strategic plan and process for the Association.
2.1AAd Hoc Strategic PlanningConduct an annual environmental scan.Nov/Dec 2018; put on an annual cycle
2.1BPresident, Steering CommitteeAuthor a three-year strategic plan that includes a process for its annual assessment and update.Spring 2019
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
2.2Objective: Develop methods to assess the needs of membership and to monitor its composition over time to inform marketing and retention efforts.
2.2AAd Hoc Research, MembershipConduct a Member Survey. Determine how often it will be administered and place on a cycle.Summer 2019
2.2BAd Hoc Research, TechnologyInvestigate and implement best practices for our association management platform (i.e., MemberLeap) data upload functionality. Continue to explore ways to improve membership engagement and to support research activities by investigating and assessing MemberLeaps functionality.Winter/Spring 2020
2.2CAd Hoc ResearchConduct a longitudinal member retention analysis.Spring/Summer 2019
2.2DPresident, Membership, Member Definitions Ad Hoc CommitteeReview and revise existing member definitions. Determine who should be included in NEAIR’s definition of membership (e.g., undergraduate and graduate students, etc.).Summer/Fall 2019
Goal #3: Strengthen the governance structure to ensure effectiveness and accountability in both operational and fiduciary responsibilities.
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
3.1Objective: Establish ongoing assessment of the Association’s governance structure.
3.1ASteering Committee/ Ad Hoc ResearchAssess the level of membership involvement in governance: individuals who are elected, appointed, and volunteer.Fall 2019/ Winter 2020
3.1BSteering CommitteeAssess composition of Steering Committee (i.e., size, ad hoc versus standing committees, etc.).Fall 2019/ Winter 2020
3.1CPresidents, MembershipMake best use of members who run for office but are not elected, as well as members who were nominated but were not included on the election ballot. Develop strategies to promote repeat volunteers into higher-level positions within the Association.Fall 2019/Winter 2020
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
3.2Objective: Develop a cycle of review for Policies and Procedures on an annual basis. This review will include developing new policies for adoption that comport with best practices for non-profit management.
3.2APresidentEstablish a cycle of review for the Association’s policies and procedures to include guidance on the process for reviewing them.2019
3.2BInvestment CommitteeRevise the Investment Policy.2019
3.2CTechnologyEstablish a Confidentiality Policy. Develop an annual review process for it and what it means for different volunteer segments.2019
3.2DTechnologyEstablish an Information Privacy Policy. Annually review and update it as needed.2019
Ad Hoc Research
Establish a Data Governance Policy.Winter/Spring 2020
3.2FMembership; Technology; Member Definitions Ad Hoc CommitteeEstablish a Social Media Policy and expectations for listserv engagement and engagement with content via other channels (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter).Fall 2019/Winter 2020
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
3.3Objective: Adopt best practices for financial management and fiscal health.
3.3AFinance CommitteeAnnually review membership and conference fee projections to establish a sustainable model for the Association.2019 initiate; review annually
3.3BFinance CommitteeDevelop a rationale and process for multi-year budgeting.2019
3.3CSite Selection CommitteeDevelop cost savings methods for Site Selection.2019
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
3.4Objective: Continue to improve the onboarding process for new Steering Committee members and committee members.
Admin Coordinator
Develop an orientation for onboarding new Steering Committee members; refresher for continuing Steering Committee Members. Adapt this for committee volunteers.Fall 2019
Admin Coordinator
Assess usefulness of 3.4A; modify the fall 2019 orientation to improve for fall 2020.Summer 2020
Goal #4: Facilitate professional networking among NEAIR and other appropriate affiliate organizations. 
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
4.1Objective: Create a membership enrollment and engagement plan (for new, current, and past members). 
4.1AMembershipDevelop membership enrollment communication plan (email, social media, etc.) and create a web presence to complement this.Winter/Spring 2020
Ad Hoc Research
Develop a projection model to grow membership and establish a goal and timeframe for growing membership.Summer 2020
Create member enrollment home page slide.Winter/Spring 2020
4.1DMembership/GrantsDevelop "branding" and obtain funding for newcomers outreach:  Newcomers workshops, Navigating NEAIR, Newcomer SIG, Mentoring ProgramWinter/Spring 2020
Develop a plan for making the listserv and website a go to place for information and connection.Winter/Spring 2020
Develop an engagement plan for volunteering:  when call goes out, process, follow up, and progression from committee member to board member to officers to involvement on national level at AIR.Winter/Spring 2020
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
4.2Objective: Develop career development and coaching programs for multiple segments of the IR&E career span.
4.2AMembershipDevelop a model for developing mid-career professionals. Key to this is, first, defining what it means to be “mid-career”.Fall 2020/Winter 2021
4.2BMembershipCreate a Career Development and Coaching Program Resource Vault on the NEAIR website for members only.Spring 2021
4.2CMembershipDetermine if there are any free or low cost employment services (including resume review/tips and other job search assistance) for members of non-profits and if so, provide them to NEAIR members at no or low cost.Fall 2020/Winter 2021
4.2DMembershipDevelop a mentoring program where seasoned colleagues build the next generation of IR&E leaders.Fall 2020/Winter 2021
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
4.3Objective: Develop materials to support the hiring and onboarding of new employees.
Ad Hoc Research
Develop a Hiring Resource Center for members. Create a set of question banks for hiring institutional research professionals at different levels (research analyst/associate; senior research analyst/associate; assistant/associate directors, directors).Spring/Summer 2021
Ad Hoc Research
Develop an Onboarding Resource Center for members. Create a set of guidelines to help managers onboard new employees and consider what this looks like at different levels in our professional field.Spring/Summer 2021
 Lead(s)Action ItemsTimeline
4.4Objective: Investigate ways to support affiliate organizations and integrate them into NEAIR’s communication plans.
4.1APresidents/Steering CommitteeDefine affiliate organizations and the nature of the relationships that NEAIR wants to forge with these entitiesWinter/Spring 2020
4.2BPresidents/Steering Committee
Partner with affiliate organizations to advocate on the part of IR (i.e., MSCHE financial ratios, etc.) How to pull in related organization NACUBO, NASPA, ACCROA, etc. to do joint presentationsWinter/Spring 2020
4.3CPresidents/Steering Committee
Develop a vision for how NEAIR can help cultivate the aspirational practice of IR (i.e., AIR’s) among its member institutions by supporting collaborations among institutional researchers, enrollment management, finance, office of diversity and inclusion, etc.Winter/Spring 2020