Ambassador Grant Recipients

Conference Year
of Award


2024Krisztina Filep $800*

2024 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX

2023Alexander Nanni
Linli  Zhou
2023 AASHE Conference and Expo in Boston, MA
National Symposium on Student Retention in New Orleans, LA
2022Thomas Zimmerman$8002022 Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference in Las Vegas, NV
2021(not offered)  
2020(not offered)  
2019Monique Miller$800RStudio Conference, San Francisco, CA
2017James Dick April 2018 Higher Education Data Warehouse Conference in Corvallis, OR
2016Padma Patil$80012th Annual National Symposium on Student Retention hosted by the
Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange in Norfolk, Virginia. 
2015J. R. Bjerklie$6952015 NASPA Assessment and Persistence Conference
2014Nora Galambos$8002014 Joint Statistical Meeting
2013Jason Bryer$8002013 useR! Conference
2012Pamela Lamborne$8002012 New England Regional Datatel User’s Group
2011Rebecca Brodigan$8002012 NASPA – Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education, Phoenix, Arizona
2010Stephen Deutsch$8002nd Annual Asian conference on Education, December 2-5, 2010, Osaka, Japan
2008Michael Dooris$8002nd International Conference on Educational Economics
2006Mark Palladino$565Sloan-C International Conference on Asynchronous Learning
2006Diane Petruccio$465NPEC Symposium on Postsecondary Student Success
2005Brian Lashley$600Annual Teaching Academic Survival Skills Conference on March 5-8, 2006
2004Rena Cheskis Gold$800Attendance at SCUP
2003Heather Roscoe$800Attendance at EAIR
2003Cherry Danielson$800EIAR 2003 Forum (Limerick, Ireland)
2001Mary Ann Coughlin$800The Southern African Association for Institutional Research Annual Conference
and the International Conference on Teaching Statistics both held in Capetown South Africa
1998Mike McGuire Attendance at the Annual Meeting of the Britain and Ireland IR

*Awarded, but not dispersed; recipient unable to attend conference.