Call for ad hoc Newcomer Committee Volunteers - Sign up by September 30

One of NEAIR’s greatest strengths is our guidance for newcomers which happens formally at the Newcomers to IR workshop. As we pivoted to a virtual conference this year, the Conference Team realized that presenting a Newcomers to IR workshop would be a challenge. 

After some thought, the NEAIR Steering Committee decided now would be the optimal time to evaluate the Newcomers to IR curriculum to ensure it is relevant, impactful, and engaging. Subsequently, NEAIR formed an ad hoc committee chaired by Alexander Yin and Annemarie Bartlett – two recent past presenters of the Newcomers to IR workshop – with the charge of evaluating and re-shaping the Newcomers to IR. 

If you are interested in opportunities to provide feedback, please complete this form. 

For those of you who have new hires or who are new to the field of institutional research, we recommend you take advantage of the current webinar recordings available to members. Additionally, there will be a brown bag topic at our virtual conference in November for new to IR and relevant breakout sessions will be marked appropriate for newcomers. 

If you have additional questions, feel free to contact either Alexander Yin or Annemarie Bartlett. 

Alex Yin
University of Vermont

Annemarie Bartlett
Salve Regina University

Shama Akhtar
President-Elect, North East Association for Institutional Research

ad hoc Newcomer Committee Sign Up