Research Grant Criteria for Selection

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Proposals are evaluated using the Research Grant Scoring Rubric (click to view) by the Grants Committee based on the following criteria:
Project Justification: The proposer details a clear rationale of the proposed research and its significance to their work as an IR professional.
Relevance/Benefits to IR:The proposer explains how this project will benefit them/their IR office or institution.
Clarity of Research Methodology: The proposer clearly articulates the research methodology with a detailed explanation of the work to be undertaken, a plan, and timeline for doing so.
Financial Need and Funding:The proposer provides full details and justification regarding expenses, financial need, and other financial support and the likelihood of obtaining that funding (e.g., institutional support).
Collaboration: Preference will be given to proposals that involve collaboration with researchers from other institutions or disciplines.
Viability of Completing the Research: The ability of the researchers to accomplish the project within the timeframe and budget proposed.
Opportunity: Members who have not received any type of NEAIR grant within the past five years will have preference.