Enrollment Forecasting in Excel

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Craig Abbey, University at Buffalo

Laptop required
Software Needed: Excel with Analysis Pack (version 2013 or Excel 2016)

To participate in this workshop, an attendee will need to:

1. Have Excel 2013 or Excel 2016 with the Analysis Pack on their laptop.
2. Have working knowledge of Excel.

3. Know how to enter and manipulate data using cut, copy and paste in Excel.
4. Know how to enter formulas in Excel.
5. Know how to create graphs in Excel. 

*Please note: in order for the workshop to begin on time and cover all material as described, participants are expected to arrive at the workshop with all software and supplemental materials pre-loaded on to their laptops.

The key to enrollment planning is accurately predicting how many - and which - students will enroll at an institution. Forecasting assists institutional leadership in planning for academic programs, budgets, facilities and human resources. In this workshop, participants will learn how to forecasting enrollment using several methods in Excel, including: curve-fitting and causal models using trends lines, moving averages, exponential smoothing, regression and Monte Carlo simulation modeling.

Intended Learning Outcomes:
Participants in this workshop will:

1. Learn about the more than 40-year history of higher education enrollment forecasting.
2. Develop the skills necessary to implement various enrollment modeling methods in Excel.
3. Gain an understanding of the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of different types of forecasting models.
4. Improve their knowledge of information resources available to support forecasting.