Introduction to Power BI for IR

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Patrick Tobin, Southern New Hampshire University

Laptop required
Software required:  Microsoft PowerBI
Software download link:       (free version)


To participate in this workshop, an attendee will need to:

1. Have Microsoft PowerBI on their laptop.
2. Have a general understanding of Excel reporting including: IF statements, VLOOKUP, SUM, building charts, etc.
3. Have a general understanding of how to manage large data sets including formatting and connecting data sets.

*Please note: in order for the workshop to begin on time and cover all material as described, participants are expected to arrive at the workshop with all software and supplemental materials pre-loaded on to their laptops.

Power BI is a cloud based dashboard solution offered by Microsoft. This tool can be leveraged in IR office to better disseminate data to the appropriate end users in a way allows them to extract insights from data that can drive strategy and operations. The workshop is divided into the following sections: adding data sources and manipulating data, combining datasets and data modeling, visualizations, DAX functions, and measures, and sharing & uploading to Power BI. Each part of the workshop builds in the preceding parts and attendees will experience how to develop and share Power BI reports from start to finish. The workshop is designed to allow users to learn the concepts of Power BI reporting to enable them to apply this knowledge at their institutions.

Intended Learning Outcomes:   
Participants in this workshop will:

1. Learn about the various functions and features that allow IR departments to easily develop reporting that can help drive decision making using Power BI. The highlighted features in Power BI have been selected based on their practical implications in the field of IR that allow IR offices to easily and strategically leverage several different types of data sets in one reporting mechanism.
2. Learn about the potential areas of concern when implementing Power BI solutions at their institutions as well as the significant benefits Power BI reporting can offer IR departments.
3. Learn about the potential solutions to issues concerning user adoption and strategies to efficiently and effectively disseminate data that can be leveraged in operational and strategic decision making.