Professional Development Services

The NEAIR Professional Development Services (PDS) Committee was established to develop and implement professional development opportunities for institutional researchers.  During the pandemic when in-person professional development was not possible, NEAIR pivoted to virtual offerings held via Zoom. 

Webinars are typically 90 minutes long and focus on teaching a specific technical skill or task. NEAIR leadership has priced these workshops with an eye toward access and affordability. Fees for each 90-minute-workshop in the 2025 season are as follows:

  • $40 for members/$75 for non-members 

NEAIR will not refund any workshops, but will issue a credit in the event of technical difficulties.


Sharpen Your Skills Webinar Series

Have you missed a past workshop? NEAIR has curated most of our past professional development workshops in our Online Learning Course center.  Past courses have included workshops on Tableau, Power BI, SQL, R, SWOT Analysis, and many more.  These courses are for members only.

Online Learning Courses

The IR Guiding Light webinar series is an additional professional development opportunity focusing on current issues in IR and is free for NEAIR members.  These webinars are recorded.  Past topics have included data governance, best practices on working remotely, and the role of data in DEISJ, and much more.

 Please click the button to access the recordings. 

IR Guiding Light Webinars